Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Killing An Animal Okay ?


I think that Candy's dog was suffering because it really old, could barley walk or see,and on top of that didn't really have any teeth so it had to be feed milk,so  it should have been humanely euthanized or put to sleep, so yes i think that Carlson shooting the dog was okay, but the dog was almost like the only thing candy really had, and the way Carlson was being very PUSHY towards Candy to kill the dog when Candy wasn't ready to let go WASN'T RIGHT and he kept saying negative things about it too, I think Carlson should've waited until Candy was ready to shoot his dog.But at the end it was the best thing for the dog,even though Candy should've shot him.I have to say that killing a dog or any animal is okay to me depending on the situation if theres an  animal really suffering,or out of control like a PDA(Potentially Dangerous Animal) then yea they should be put to sleep, but I think the best way would be by euthanizing them,but just killing an animal I don't think is right at all.

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