Thursday, October 28, 2010


I thought the movie OF MICE AND MEN was really good, I really liked how George and Lennie were such good friends and how George stood by him and tryed to get him out of bad situations like in weed when LENNIE WAS BOTHERING THE GIRL IN THE DRESS, George didn't have to runaway with Lennie, he could've let the police handle it and just went on and lived his life, but instead he runaway with him because he didn't want anything to happen to him, and I think that really shows what kind of friend George is even though he always told him how great his life could be if he wasn't around, you still no that he actually cared.
Even though I like the movie I didn't like how John Steinbeck made Curley's wife seem
S-L-U-T-T-Y because I don't think she was, she was still very young and maybe flirtatious but not a s-l-u-t, I felt bad for her because everyone judged her and Curley was very controlling and she was just cooped up in the house and wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, and on top of all of that she DIED WHEN SHE  WAS 15, right after she confided in Lennie about how lonely and sad she was, so I don't think she  should've been judged so harshly.
I like that their was alot of description in the book they didn't include every thing that was in the book in the movie which could've made a difference, like towards the end when Lennie accidentally killed Curley's wife and Candy calls George in they didn't put in the part when Candy was asking about if they could still get the ranch, or when Candy gets upset and calls Curley's wife's dead body a " good damn tramp" when he got upset that they couldn't get the ranch. I think those small details mattered.I also didn't like that THEY DIDNT GIVE CURLEY'S WIFE A NAME she was just a part of the book as any of the other characters.
I liked that the book was so descriptive that you could visualize what they were saying, I don't like the books ending though because after George shoots Lennie we don't know what happens with George or how like is after that happens and what happens with Curley.

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