Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Okay so school, its not that bad, just really boring. I can honestly say Blair better than my middle school even though its a zoo!
At TPMS there were so many rules it felt like prison, and you got in trouble for everything!
Teachers treated you like babies, and wouldn't stop talking about how when we get to high school we cant do this or that, but so far they've been WRONG!
But just because high schools better than middle school doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with it, like the phone rule. if we can use our phones during lunch why cant we use it in the hallways?, because its still lunch time. I thought it was hard waking up at 6am last year. til I had to get up at 5, and feel like sleeping in class.
One thing i cant stand are(dramatic pause)THIEVES last year people always use to find out their things were missing, but this years even worse you cant even leave your stuff when you go to the bathroom and if you do don't expect to find it when you get back(exaggerating).Another thing is that I feel alot of teacher don't trust you even just doing simple things.
I always hated filling out emergency cards because you have to put in all this personal information like ways to REACH YOUR PARENTS! I really hated my teachers calling or emailing  my mom because it just felt weird, I would get home and my mom would watch me for a while then all of a sudden ask " SO HOW ARE YOU DOING IN MATH?"  and in my head I'd be like (gasp!). but I always ending up just telling her because I rather her hear it from me so the next time a teacher called she'd expect it.
Lets be honest, if i could make up the school rules, or a perfect school their would be absolutely no learning! Which would end up really upsetting parents, so if I had to make a school that was my ideal school that included learning then it would be probably SIMILAR TO BLAIR because even though Blair isn't perfect, I agree with alot of the classroom rules, I would allow ONLY juniors and senors to leave the campus at lunch because freshman and sophomores are still kind of knew to the school and honestly there are alot of inmature kids. There would be only 4 school days a week, and school would start at 8:30 am and end at 3:45 pm ! even though we would get out late it would be okay cause school wouldn't til 8:30, there would be cameras EVERYWHERE! So if something happens or is stolen then it can be taken care of.
Everyone would get along, and there wouldnt be drama and dumb fights. But I do like that lunch is longer even if it is only by 15 minutes, and in the cafeteria they don't have to dismiss you to go to the lunch lines by table.The main thing i like is that not everyone is from the same middle school, and that some of the irritating people aren't around, so even though school can be alot sometimes it's not all bad(sometimes) :P.

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